Every single day of your life the skin on your face is
exposed to the weather and to pollution which over time can
take its toll on the skin. To keep the skin on your face
looking youthful, radiant and healthy you're going to have
to look after it properly and make sure it gets the right
treatment both on the outside and from the inside.
Tips for caring for face skin on the outside
Some people are born with naturally healthy skin and can
maybe get away with doing very little to care for their
skin, however, eventually, time takes its toll so a good
face care routine is still important. Others of course are
less fortunate and have to deal with common skin problems
such as blemishes, pimples, rashes, open enlarged pores,
blackheads, white heads and allergic reactions to face skin
A good face care routine involves cleansing the skin to
remove all the day's dirt and grime as well as make up and
moisturising the skin to replace moisture that has been
lost. Some people like to use toners on their skin too to
remove the last traces of cleanser, make up, dirt and grime
but if you have a good enough cleanser there is often no
need to use a toner.
Moisturising the skin on a daily basis after cleansing the
skin will help to keep replace lost moisture and keep the
skin supple and smooth. Invest in a good quality
moisturiser for every day use.
Skin that is dehydrated looks and feels dry to the touch,
is dull, can have flaky patches and generally doesn't look
as healthy as skin that is well cared for. Avoid using soap
on the skin no matter what your skin type is but
particularly if you have dry skin as soap can dry out the
skin even more.
Exfoliating is one part of a skin care regime that is often
omitted, however the process of exfoliating helps to remove
dead skin cells and encourages healthy looking skin. There
are various ways of exfoliating the skin but the easiest is
to use a simple exfoliating scrub on a weekly basis.
However, when buying an exfoliating scrub for the face make
sure that it is one that contains only fine grains as
course grains can damage the skin.
Use a sun screen if you need to be in the sun for any
length of time. Although your skin needs a certain amount
of sunlight in order to get the required amount of vitamin
D, the sun is enemy number one for the skin. You just have
to look and see what has happened to the skin of people who
have spent many years outdoors or in the sun to see. The
skin takes on a 'weathered' look and has many more lines
and wrinkles than skin that has been protected from the sun.
Only use tepid water on your skin as hot water will dry the
skin and encourage broken capillaries.
Tips for caring for your skin from the inside
Obviously the number one factor that you have to consider
when caring for your skin on the inside is a balanced diet
with a variety of different foods in order to get the right
nutrients that your skin needs. Skin renews itself
completely in around 28 days so anything you put in your
diet is going to show up in your skin very quickly.
However, today we may think we have a great diet if we eat
natural organic foods, avoid eating too much meat, have cut
down on fat, have eliminated fried foods, and we make sure
we get our five portions of fruit and vegetables on a daily
basis as well as drink at least a litre and half of water a
Yes this could be considered a good diet but today we also
have a problem in that this doesn't provide us with enough
of the right kind of Omega 3 fatty acids that our skin
needs which is only really found in fish so without an
adequate amount of fish in our diet, our skin is going to
Unfortunately we are advised not to eat too much fish due
to the toxins they contain but fish, particularly oily fish
such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and tuna,
actually have one ingredient that our skin craves and that
is the Omega 3 fatty acid known as Eicosapentaenoic acid or
EPA is anti-inflammatory, it thins the blood and helps the
blood to flow more easily right throughout the body taking
with it those nutrients that we need for health and for
healthy skin.
Fortunately, you can take fish oil supplements that contain
EPA and this will not only help promote healthy, clear,
radiant skin, it also offers other important health
benefits too as it can help prevent heart disease,
arthritis and even depression. Fish oil is a natural mood
booster. Interestingly, one of the first indications that
you are not getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet
is unhealthy skin, hair and nails.
About the Author:
For more information about fish oil and how it can help
your hair, skin and nails come and visit.
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