Tuesday 29 June 2010

Purchasing Womens Shoes Online Might Be a Bad Thing!

I can almost guarantee that you were probably expecting this
article to be against purchasing womens shoes online,
weren't you?  Well, after I tell you my personal experience
with purchasing womens shoes online, you just might not know
what to think.

Purchasing womens shoes online can be extremely rewarding!
Even though my wife loves collecting shoes in our closets,
the prices for women's shoes in the department stores
started going up while the rest of the global economy
started going down.  That being the case, we had to stop
feeding this vicious habit and start saving the majority of
our extra cash.  Sure, we went to the occasional concert
downtown for recreation, but when push came to shove, saving
money became our greatest concern.  That said, my wife's
longing for a new pair of shoes (that she will probably
never wear) got the better of her and she started
researching online for ways to purchase her womens shoes

What she found was absolutely incredible!  Did you know that
you could purchase womens shoes online for under half the
normal retail cost?  After looking into just why this was
the case, I quickly found out that it had to do with the
little to no overhead costs these websites normally have.
Think about the overhead any street side retail store has
(middleman costs equal manufacturing, labor, shipping and
transport, insurance, etc etc.) and then start looking at
the overhead costs of different online retail stores (no
middleman costs, hosting fees up to $90.00 annually).  No
wonder they can offer womens shoes online for so cheap.

So, after my wife found these website offers through reading
customer reviews, the shoe shopping continued to thrive and
our closets became overrun with brand new, never used shoes.
 Things went back to normal and we were saving money like
never before.  The only thing is... if you are like me and
find yourself wondering why your wife is interested in
buying womens shoes online in order to fill your closets
with stuff they will never use in a million years, you just
might have a bitter sweet, love hate relationship with these
womens shoes online websites!

If you are trying to save money and still desire to purchase
brand new shoes for either you or your wife, you can actually
go online and purchase womens shoes online for below the
normal retail price.

About the Author:

For more information on womens shoes online, then go ahead
and visit http://www.womensshoesonline.org and read all of
their free articles and website recommendations.

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